Loon Survey

Starting this summer, BLPOA, through its members, will participate in the Canada Lakes Loon Survey (CLLS) that is run by Birds Canada.

The CLLS survey started four decades ago and provides national data to assess trends in the long-term health of Common Loons and the health of the lakes on which they depend.

The Loon reproductive success (chicks per mating pair per year) is a key indicator of the health of the fish stocks and aquatic life in the lake. Their long-term research shows that loon productivity is declining, particularly in Eastern Canada.

Ongoing threats facing loons include boating activity, water level fluctuation, contamination, and habitat loss due to shoreline development.

Educating lake users and residents is the most effective safeguard for loon populations in Canada. This survey is conducted in 3 phases by observing and

recording the maximum number of loons and the maximum number of chicks per pair each month (June, July, August). A simplified form for Bass

Lake, including instructions, is below. Members can record their observations. This form is then submitted by September 7th to loons@rideaubasslake.com for compilation and submission to Birds Canada.

Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.